Make this Quick and easy red white and blue cake today! The best 4th of July desserts with the bold vibrant colors. Make this 4th of July cake this year.
Leave one bowl white. Add the red gel food coloring to one bowl until it is the vibrant red you want.
Add the blue gel food coloring to the 3rd bowl until it is the vibrant blue you want.
Spray a bundt pan with non stick spray.
Spread the red batter in the bottom of the pan.
Spread the white over it and then finish with the blue on top.
Bake according to directions on the box.
Once cooked, allow it to cool and then flip the cake onto a serving platter.
Place the melting candy into 3 seperate microwave bowls. Microwave in 30 second intervals until it is melted and smooth.
Smooth the white melting candy over the cake to cover (doesn't have to be perfect)
Add sprinkles if you want.
Spoon the red and the blue melting candy into piping bags. Cut the tip of the bags and drizzle the two colors over the cake giving the firecracker effect.
Top with more sprinkles.
Allow to cool and the chocolate to harden. Then cut and serve!
Feel free to keep a secret on how simple this vibrant 4th of July cake is!