Easy Crock  Pot Roast!

eating on a dime

This Crock Pot Roast Recipe is simple & absolutely amazing!

10  Min  Preps

Prep Time: 10 Min

– Roast – Potatoes  – Carrots – Onions – Carrots – Beef Stock/Broth – Garlic – Italian Seasoning – Salt & Pepper – Water – Cornstarch


White Scribbled Underline

~ Cut all vegetables into large chunks and add to the crock,  placed around the roast.  ~ Add all seasonings & beef stock. 

~ Cover & cook on low for 8 hours or on high for 5 hours. ~ Then, shred the beef!

~ Make the simple gravy.  ~ Drizzle the gravy over the roast, potatoes, and carrots! 

My family loved this recipe - it truly is the best pot roast recipe!

serve & enjoy!

this recipe is so versatile &  that gravy is delicious every time.